OntPub Profile
- Title
- Ontology Publication Profile of OWL, RDFS, schema.org and SKOS (OntPub)
- Is Profile of
- Definition
This is a profile of the OWL, RDFS, schema.org and SKOS ontologies used to define and annotate ontologies. It supplies requirements, defines testable rules and some other supporting resources for its use.
This profile is formulated according to the Profiles Vocabulary.
- Created
- 2020-06-14
- Modified
- 2021-04-07
- Creator
- Nicholas J. Car
- Publisher
- Australian Government Linked Data Working Group
- Repository
- https://github.com//validatoraustralia/ontpub-profile
- Profile Resources
Profile Resources
This profile contains the following prof:Resource
1. Specification Document |
Description | The normative, human-readable, listing of profile requirements |
Artifact | https://w3id.org/profile/ontpub/spec |
Role | role:specification |
Conforms | HTML 5.2 |
Format | text/html |
2. Validator in SHACL |
Description | A SHACL Shapes file to be used to test the conformance of RDF data to this profile |
Artifact | https://w3id.org/profile/ontpub/validator |
Role | role:validation |
Conforms | SHACL |
Format | text/turtle |
3. How to Validate instructions |
Description | Written instructions on how to use the VocPub profile's validator on data which applies to this profile too |
Artifact | https://w3id.org/profile/ontpub/htv |
Role | role:guidance |
Format | text/html |
4. Profile code repository |
Description | Code repository storing all Profile artifacts |
Artifact | https://w3id.org/profile/ontpub/repo |
Role | role:repository |
5. Example 01 Valid |
Description | Example RDF data valid according to the validator |
Artifact | https://w3id.org/profile/ontpub/example-01-valid |
Role | role:example |
Conforms | OntPub |
6. Example 01 Invalid |
Description | Example RDF data invalid according to the validator. Notes on the invalid elements are given at the top of the files |
Artifact | https://w3id.org/profile/ontpub/example-01-invalid |
Role | role:example |